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Wednesday, 31 August 2022

England v Scotland, Melbourne Style, 1909

This is a nice report in the Melbourne Herald on Friday 13 August 1909, p3. It gives a picture of a buoyant game ready to progress. It also contains a preview of the first Dockerty Cup final.



Last Saturday was a "red letter" day tor the British Football Association or Victoria. A large crowd of enthusiastic supporters assembled at Middle Park to witness a match between English and Scotch players, members of this association. The selection committees carefully chose their representative elevens, and it was generally voted one of the best games of soccer yet seen in Melbourne. Before the match, the Scotch players and supporters were already proclaiming victory, but, let me here tell you. that England won comparatively easy by three goals to two. 

Scotland kicked off against a strong wind, but the English halves securing, put their forwards on the attack, the English left wing very early in the game giving the Scottish defence a taste of their good quality. Cumming and Baird were defending well, however, and relieved their goal. 

The Scotch forwards then made tracks for the English goal, but did not become dangerous the English halves (Ladkin, Evans, and Bird) holding them fairly easy. Ladkin, playing half-back for England, was feeding the wing cleverly, and the persistent attack of Greves and Hutton had its reward at last, for after nice play by these two, Appleby, at centre, received a pass, and scored first goal for England. This livened up the Scots, and their forwards now became more prominent, but could not beat the English halves. It must not be forgotten that Scotland were playing against the wind, therefore most of the play was in their own half. 

At last the Scotch left wing, playing nicely together, became persistent, and Hall securing near the centre, made a good run. When tackled he passed to Fletcher, who sent in a nice centre, which Hall secured and equalised the scores with a clever shot. The play of the English forwards in this half was very ragged. They indulged in too much passing instead of making for goal when they had a strong wind behind them. 

Half-time arrived with the score one goal each. 

It was thought that the English defence would be in for a hot time during the second half, Scotland having the wind in their favor. Scotland early made an attack on the English goal, and, having awarded a very doubtful penalty, Menzies scored for Scotland with a good shot, The English forwards were now rearranged. Brown going from inside right to centre and Appleby taking Brown's position. From this change England benefited greatly, for Greves, Hutton, and Brown, all club mates, combined nicely, and gave the spec-tators a splendid display ot tip-top football, and it is to these players that England mainly owe their victory. Menzies, at centre-half was working hard for Scotland, feeding his forwards well, of whom Hall was the only one to trouble the English defence, where Elliott was playing a masterful game at back. The attack being again taken up by Eng-land, Greves secured near the half-way line, and running along his wing put in a marvellous centre. The ball, keeping high, just went under the crossbar, giving Baird, the Scots' goalie, no chance. Thus the score was once more equal, being two goals each. 

From this to the end England had most of the game, their halves easily keeping in check the Scottish attack. England attacked strongly, and after a hot scrimmage in front of the Scottish goal, a penalty was given against Menzies, but from the resultant kick Elliott, the English captain, shot wide. Not to be denied, however, the English forwards again attacked, and Brown scored with a nice shot. Time shortly afterwards arrived, with England winners by three goals to two. 

England's team, all round, played consistently and generally seemed to hold the Scots fairly easy. The Scotch team did not play the game that was expected of them, their for-wards, with the exception of Hall, not being able to get the better of the English halves. Mr Palmer refereed the game, and had the assistance of Mr S. H. Thomas (England) and Mr Middleton (Scotland) on the lines. 

To show how soccer football is finding its way over the globe, it is interesting to note that Aston Villa and Tottenham Hotspur re-cently made a very successful tour of the Argentine. These teams played a match at Buenos Ayres before a crowd of over 20,000 spectators, Aston Villa winning by two goals to one. 

The game has taken such a hold in America that next football season the American association is sending a team to England, and an International match has been arranged. The American team will be composed of American-born players, and fixtures have already been arranged with Notts. Forest, Newcastle United, Bolton Wanderers, Leeds City and other leading English clubs. The New York "Herald" of May 23 gives a lengthy report of the final for the American Association Cup. between Brooklyn and the Yonkers (New York). The match attracted 15,000 spectators, Brooklyn winning by four goals to one. 

Tomorrow the "Coop" final is to be played (how these words stirs an Englishman's heart). The competing teams are Carlton and St. Kilda. The East Melbourne ground has been engaged, and the match commences at 3 o'clock. Mr Palmer has been appointed referee, and Mr Jackson (Fitzroy) and Mr Fraser (Melbourne) have been chosen as linesmen. This match should prove a great go, an both teams are in good form and have been doing good training work. 

Carlton earned their position in the final by beating Melbourne, four goals to nil, and Fitzroy, eight goals to nil, and with an undefeated certificate in the League games, their chance looks good. St. Kilda worked their way into the final by defeating Williamstown, five goals to two and Prahran. eight goals to two, Also finishing second to Carlton in the League chart. 

It may be said for St. Kilda that their team has become much stronger this last few weeks, owing to finding new blood, so intending visitors to this match should not be disappointed jn witnessing a ding-dong battle. 

St. Kilda team will be selected from Dolan, Fletcher, Cartwright, Dockerty, Evans (capt.), Collins, Greysmith, Vass, Hodgkinson, Brown, Hutton, Greves. 

Carlton will be selected from Baird, Menzies (capt.), Cumming (2), Spence, M'Millan, Williamson, Matthews, Hall, Halley, Terrier, Wardrop, Black, Campbell, Walters and Begg.

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