Playing long balls into empty space since 2012.

Monday, 27 April 2020

100 Years Ago Today. 1 May 1920

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), Saturday 1 May 1920, page 9

FOOTBALL SOCCER CODE. Another series of games will be played to-day; every ground being occupied for a competition match. . West Wallsend will be all out to defeat their near friends Wallsend. These two always put up a hard game,. and their meeting is looked forward to with great interest. Two years ago Wallsend won the Ellis Cup, and in the final of the Kerr Cup were beaten by West Wallsend That defeat requires wiping out, and the Wallsenders hope that this year their turn will again come. Neither team has so far been defeated. The game is, how ever, at West Wallsend, and with this ad vantage the blues should score a win over the reds. Hamilton will visit Weston, and will open the official association fixture list on the South Maitland coalfields. During the past two seasoner Weston have played under the South Maitland Association, but consequent upon the decision of that as sociation not to run senior football, Wes ton again joined the Newcastle Assocla tion. The patrons of the Homestead ground will thus be able to witness Newcastle teams in opposition to Maitlanders, and so friendly relations are again resumed. The game should act as a good reviver, but I would not like to hint as to the, probable winner. In the second grade Rovers v. Westy reads well, but wilth the game at Wallsend Park Rovers should win. Charlestown and Killingworth should also get two points, but neither must be too confident of success. A and B juniors will be engaged, and after the results are known there will not be too many undefeated teams left. The Rechabites, with eight teams, will start their competitions to-day, and the Hunter Cup competition will be again run. Selectors for the State team will be at West Wallsend and Weston to-day, pro bables being under review. This should be very interesting to those juniors who fought hard for the junior rule. I agree with the rule, but believe that a player who knows he is fit for seniors should be willing to go up to that grade. If he won't advance of his own free will, and still insists on playing junior, then he is missing: the chance of State representa tive honours, because senior games and senior players are the ones under re view. At Kurri Kurri on Prince of Wales' birthday another of those six a side com petitions will be run, two seniors being allowed in each team. On June 9th two selected Sydney junior teams will visit Newcastle. - The pick of the local A grades will play Sydney's selected A grade players, and the district's best' B graders will also oppose one another. Adamstown' seconds are unable to fulfil their fixture at Killingworth, and so the game will go down as a two-point win to Killingworth. This will release Referee Skillings, and he will take the Teralba v. Adamstown game, on the former's ground, Mr. Dellaway being unable to attend.

100 Years Ago Today, 28 April 1920

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), Wednesday 28 April 1920, page 3

FOOTBALL SOCCER CODE. In connection with the visit of a New South Wales Soccer team to Queensland, the following details have been agreed to: Team will leave this State on May 26th. Play in Brisbane on May 29th, and June 3rd, and in Ipswich on June 5, arriving back about June 8th. Fifteen players and a manager will be selected. The team will be chosen on May 15th. At the last meeting of the New South Wales Soccer Association, the Referees' Association applied for affilliation. It was decided to recommend to the "tooters" brigade that they take steps to form a true State association, consisting of dele gates from each branch Soccer Referees' Association. The decision is singular, be-cause at the last meeting of Newcastle Referees' Association it was agreed to defer affiliation to the Sydney Referees' Association, pending formation of a State body. Jacky Mather, who broke his leg on Saturday, is now an inmate of Newcastle Hospital. Seen last night, he was just as cheerful as ever, and reported that the leg was getting on fine. He expected it would be X-rayed to-day (Wednesday). The fixtures for Saturday are:-Senior grade: Weston v. Hamilton, 3.30 p.m, re-feree Mr. L. Tamlyn; West Wallsend v. Wallsend, 3.15 p.m. referee Mr. J..Dunn; Adamstown, bye. Second grade: Killing-worth v. Adamstown, 3.15 p.m. referee Mr. R. Skillings; Wallsend Rovers v. West
Wallsend, 3.15 p.m., Mr. J. Dean; Charles-town v. Hamilton, 3.15 p.m., Mr. F. Hinds. A grade: Teralba v. Adamstown, 3.15 p.m., Mr. J. Dellaway; Woodpeckers v. Cardiff, 3.15 p.m., Mr. W. Hughes; Catherine Hill Bay v. Charlestown, 3.15 p.m.; Lambton v.Hamilton, 3.15 p.m., J. H. Sanderson; Rovers v. Kia-Ora, 1.30 p.m., Mr. F. Ris-zoli; Minmi v. Holmesville, 3.15 p.m., Mr. Brookbent; Young Wallsend v. Dudley, 3.15 p.m., Mr. W. Shipp. B grade: Car-diff v. Woodpeckers, 3.15 p.m., Mr. R. Gall; Hamilton v. Broadmeadow, 3 p.m., Mr. J. Durie; Adamstown v. Holmesville, Mr. McAllister, 3.15 p.m.: Kia-Ora v. Bool-aroo, 1.30, Mr. S. Smith. Rechabiites: New Lambton v. Lambton, 3 p.m.; Hamilton v. Islington, 1.45; Wallsend v. Adamstown, 2 p.m.; Broadmeadow v. Carrington, 2 p.m. All games on ground of first named club.

Monday, 6 April 2020

100 Years Ago Today: 6 April 1920

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), Tuesday 6 April 1920, page 6

Mrs. Henderson, who is leaving for England, was entertained at her own home by a surprise party of friends, and a very pleasant musical evening was spent, under the presidency of Mr. J Forster. On behalf of the company, Mr. G. Mather handed Mrs. Henderson a silver teapot, and Mrs Henderson a gold brooch. Mr. Henderson responded on behalf of his wife. 
Weston Soccer Football Club has entered a team in the South Maitland, Soccer competition third grade, and should about win. The club has accepted Hamilton's invitation for a match on Learmonth Park on Saturday. The boundary fixed for Weston senior team, by the Newcastle Disrict British Football Associatlon, is from East Greta to Neath both included, Cessnock being left an open district. Weston will play in the Newcastle senior competition. Great performances will be expected this season from Rodgers, of Kurri, Oliver of Hebburn, Barker and Outram of Abermain.

Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), Tuesday 6 April 1920, page 5

International Soccer
(Reuter's Telegrams)
LONDON, Monday Night.
In an international amateur Soccer match at Rouen, England defeated France by 5 goals to nil. 
The First Light Horse social reunion will take place at the Anzac Buffet this afternoon at 5.30.