Playing long balls into empty space since 2012.

Thursday 29 October 2020

Soccer in Murray Bridge

Like many historic outlines, this story obtains a biographical focus. It seems hard to tell the story of the first decade of soccer in Murray Bridge without also looking at the influence of GR Handley.


GR Handley seems to be a major figure. He is involved in the organisation of the very first game


Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser, Friday 9 March 1923, page 4



At the annual meeting of the South Australian British Football Association on Saturday last, held at the Grosvenor, Adelaide, Mr. G. R. Handley, of Murray Bridge, was elected one of the Board of Management - (of the members), to control the game in the State of South Australia. Mr. Handley headed the poll.

Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser, Friday 30 March 1923, page 3


The Murray Bridge Branch of the Royal Society of St. George is rapidly increasing its membership, and is now nearing the total of 200. At a meeting held on Tuesday night the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "That this meeting of the Royal Society of St. George, Murray Bridge Branch, notes with regret, at a time when every effort being made to foster the relations between Australia and the Motherland that at such representative Australian gathering as the annual meeting of the South Australian Football League, one of the delegates should refer to British Association football as 'foreign,' and while expressing no opinion on the merits or otherwise of the game, regrets the application of the term 'foreign' to any British institution."


Saturday Journal (Adelaide), Saturday 16 February 1924, page 8

Who's Who In the Sporting World


 Coming on by leaps and bounds—Soccer; football. Murray Bridge and Peterborough now have associations of their own. 

With two international and three interstate matches local Soccer will face an ambitious programme this season. They are already organizing to meet every eventuality. 

Seven new senior teams applied for admission to the Soccer Association at Thursday's annual meeting. Where are they all coming from? 

Soccer is becoming quite Australianized. Seventy per cent of last year's players were Australian born. 

Holden's, the body builders, is raising Soccer teams. A meeting expects to secure about 14 players. Over 50 were signed on, enough for one strong A team and four reserve teams, every Saturday,

The report and financial statement presented by the secretary of the Soccer Football Association on Thursday night at the annual meeting, was easily a record breaker. The code is certainly getting a big hold

News (Adelaide), Friday 4 April 1924, page 4


The game of soccer appears to be dead here. The secretary called three meetings, but only two persons attended. The recreation ground trust is sympathetic to soccer and if the game is revived the trust will leave vacant dates for representative matches. Australian game players are also sympathetic toward the sister game, and they assisted it last year.

Register (Adelaide), Saturday 14 June 1924, page 13



At a meeting of soccer football enthusiasts, hold in the Murray Bridge Institute Hall on June 12, it was decided to revive the soccer club. Dr. Wickens was elected President and Mr. Stanley Gordon hon. secretary. It was resolved to affiliate with the South Australian Soccer Association, and to enter for the Cambridge Cup.

  • Game v Peterborough on July 5.
  • v Norwood July 19
  • v Glenlg July 9


GR Handley resigns from state body -- but continues to snipe at figures in the game


Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser, Friday 20 July 1928, page 6


Nineteen members ot the newly formed Murray Bridge Soccer Football Club turned out to practice on Satur day last, and some them gave fair in dication of "soccer" ability. A meeting of members was held in Fraser's Lovat Arms Palais on Monday night when Mr. W. J. Smith presided over a large attendance. Mr. Frank Jenkins was elected president, Mr. W. J. Smith vice-president, Mr. Alec. Fraser hon. secretary. It was resolved that the captain, vice-captain, and selection committee be elected at next meeting. Mr. J. Fraser to act as practice captain in the meantime. It was resolved to hold a practice match on Saturday next, at 2.15 p.m., and intending players are invited to attend.

Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser, Friday 20 July 1928, page 3

Soccer Football Club

The Murray Bridge Soccer Football Club was granted permission to play on the old recreation ground, Adelaide-Road.

Advertiser (Adelaide), Friday 27 July 1928, page 25



 The secretary (Mr. MacDonald) advises that a new club of 19 players has been formed at Murray Bridge, and negotiations have been entered upon for the associa tion to visit them on August 11. The old players have completed arrangements for their social gathering at Moore's on August 6.


Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser, Friday 9 May 1930, page 1


(By G. R. H.). [GR Handley]


Football in Murray Bridge this season is dead. The withdrawal of Mount Barker and Strathalbyn clubs from the Hills Association appears to have killed the interest of Murray Bridge footballers, with the result that only junior players are finding games for themselves. One may well ask, "Where are the boys of the old brigade?" and what has become of tbe combination which achieved such success last season? An effort is being made to revive interest in the soccer code, but the enthusiasts are only spasmodic in their efforts aud appear to be too tired to make a vigorous attempt to popularise the round ball game, which is increasing in popularity in the metropolitan area by great strides. There is no reason why the soccer code should not attract young Australians to its ranks, as it is a scientific game and is played in every civilised country in the world, no less than 28 countries being represented on the International Board, the majority of whoin participate in the Olympic games. The propagation of the game in country centres would increase the rivalry between country towns and districts, and teams from the metropolitan area would be pleased to visit country centres, and the result would be advertising of country towns aud the bringing of their industries and attractions before city and country people generally, and in the end the advantage would be mutual and for the benefit of the State as a whole.


Sporting Globe (Melbourne), Wednesday 29 May 1935, page 10



.... Handley was a member of the council of the association for many years, but his active interest in the game in Adelaide was interrupted for some years when he lived Murray Bridge. While in that town he arranged for visits from Adelaide soccer teams and staged several exhibitions of the game for the benefit of local residents.


Exhibition match

Advertiser, Monday 13 March 1944, page 7


Mr. G. R. Handley

The death occurred yesterday at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, of Mr. George Russell Handley, who for several years was a member of the literary staff of "The Advertiser." Mr. Handley was born at Manchester 76 years ago, and worked on newspapers in England. He came to Australia 45 years ago [1899], and, after a brief stay in New Zealand, returned to Australia and worked on papers at Newcastle and Broken Hill. About 35 years ago [1909] he came to Adelaide and joined the staff of the "Daily Herald," and later the ''Register," and in 1913 went to the "River Murray Advocate" at Murray Bridge, where he remained for about 20 years. While in Murray Bridge he frequently sat on the bench in the local court. Mr. Handley also served on newspapers at Renmark and Port Pirie. He was an ardent supporter of soccer, and held responsible positions on the SA Soccer Association. He was also a prominent member of the SA Protestant Federation, and during the last few weeks of his life was acting secretary of that organisation. He has left a widow and a son (FO Russell Handley).

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Footy resumes in 1865

Argus, Monday 1 May 1865, page 4

Now that the cricket season is over, active preparations are being mode for the revival of the game of football during the winter months. Six or seven years ago this game was carried on with much spirit and vigour, but of late years it has gone out of fashion. With a view of giving it that prominence which as a manly exercise it deserves, the Athletic Sports Commlttee have determined to offer a handsome challenge cup of the value of ten guineas, to be competed for by the various clubs of the colony, the winners of three consecutive games to become the proprietors of it. Overtures have been made to the Geelong Club (the winners of the last trophy of a similar kind), to play the first game on the Melbourne ground, on the Queen's Birthday, and it is believed they will accede to the request. The first game of the season will take place next Saturday on the Melbourne ground, and football players are invited to attend. After the match a general meeting will be held.

Friday 23 October 2020

100 Years Ago Today, 29 October 1920

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Saturday 30 October 1920, page 9

Sun (Sydney), Sunday 31 October 1920, page 5


NEWCASTLE. Saturday.-

On the Tramway Ground to-day before a splendld attendance. West Wallsend defeated Weston in the Nurse Cup by 2 goals to 1. At half-time Weston led by 1 goal to nil. Taylor scored, while Bellamy failed to convert a penalty. Brown and Coates scored for West Wallsend in the second half. 

Southern Cross (Adelaide), Friday 29 October 1920, page 16

The Association football match

England v. Ireland, played on Saturday [at Roker Park], resulted in a win for the former, Which scored 2 points against Ireland's nil. Of course, the team is an Anglo-Irish one, as all the leading Irish players play the Gaelic game, and leave Rugby and soccer severely alone. Hence it is farcical to regard it as an international match, even if Britishers conceded Ireland the status of a nation in games.

Week (Brisbane), Friday 29 October 1920, page 25




LONDON, October 23.

In an Association football match, England defeated Ireland by 2 goals to nil.

Barrier Miner, Wednesday 27 October 1920, page 4


A Landon cable message stating that football ("Soccer'') has become extraordinarily popular among girls, who have developed such skill as to justify regular international matches. British and French teams will meet in Paris on October 31. Earl Derby will kick off. Last season a French team of girls visited England.

Referee (Sydney), Wednesday 27 October 1920, page 15





Norway's defeat of England at Association football on September 1 came as a very great surprise to everybody, but there is no doubt that it was thoroughly deserved (reports the London Sportsman special at Antwerp). England were warm favorites for the tournament. After the game Col. Kentish, who was in charge of the British competitors, congratulated the Norwegians individually on their clean and clever game.  ..... but the principal reasons for the English defeat were that they had four men injured and the team was generally too old. 

Norway beat England by 3 goals to 1 after a hard game. 

Spain beat Denmark by 1 goal to love. 

Sweden beat Greece by 9 goals to 0. 

Holland beat Luxembourg by 3 goals to nil.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

100 Years Ago Today 22 October 1920

Geelong Advertiser, Saturday 23 October 1920, page 1




1.30 Sharp.— Soccer Match. Osborne House v. Platypus. 

ADMISSION, 1/-. Proceeds in aid of Kardinia Park Funds. J. SAUNDERS. Secretary.

Gnowangerup Star and Tambellup-Ongerup Gazette, Saturday 23 October 1920, page 4


In the very early days of professional Soccer some funny incidents occurred in which women had a part, and the few spectators had a bit of comedy thrown in, as it were.

A certain scratch referee, for instance, lost his whistle in the mud during an exciting bombardment of the goal in which he was most interested, and thenceforth used a doorkey. He had been making shrill noises on this novel substitute for some minutes, when players and spectators were startled to hear a shrill feminine voice :

"John, where did yo' get that latchkey ? Come here this minute !"

John could manage twenty-two men easily enough, but one wife was too many for him.

A village club, which has since made history, was playing on an open field in the early eighties, and a Lancashire club, also now famous, went over to play them. One of the Lancashire halves was much too clever for one of the opposing forwards, who had hitherto been a bright and shining light in the club. He scotched his efforts every time, robbing him of the ball, charging him off it, and generally running round him.

But he did this once too often. Suddenly he felt a bang on the top of his head, and, turning round; found an old woman threatening him with her gamp.

"I'll teach you to come here with your nasty, meddlesome wars !" she said. "Let the lad play. What harm has he done ye ? And he's my lad, too, I'd have you know!"'

Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate, Wednesday 20 October 1920, page 5

Referees' Match. The annual fixture. Granville Referecs v. Sydney Referees, was played at Clyde on Saturday. The antics of the players were highly amusing, and frequently completely convulsed the spectators. Among the players were many of the leadlng lights in Soccer football for the past 40 years. Granvllle: Mobbs, goal; Knight and Pearson, backs; Davey L. Gill and Clarke, halves; B. Hyslop W. Allerton, P. Adams, Hotchkies and J. Gill. Sydney: Boston, goal; Lister and Wright, backs; Langford, Golding and Bates, halves; Pickering, Freeman, Cockwell, Alexander and Curtis, forwards, F. West, referee. After ten minutes' play, during which time the spectators were kept laughing by such a series of mis-kicks, foul throws and fumbles as ever were seen. J. Gill broke away and almost scored for Granville. At this juncture Les Gill changed places with E. Mobbs, who was in goal. Incidentally they swapped jerseys, and the onlookers were edified by the spectacle of the latter player bringing the ball down the field with one arm in his jersey. Sydney were awarded a penalty, Golding taking the kick and netting. At half-time the scores were still 1 to nil. Shortly after the recommencement of play, Alexander again scored. Later J. Gill netted for Granville. The end of the game, which only lasted 60 minutes, presented a comical spectacle, the players being almost too tired to raise a sprint. The final whistle found the scores: Sydney 2, Granville 1.

Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday 20 October 1920, page 13



WELLINGTON (N.Z.), Tuesday.

The council of the New Zealand Football Association has deaided to invite the New South Wales Association to send a team to tour the Dominion next year. The visit, if made, will be returned as soon as possible.

[only marginally soccer but gives a good sense of the sectarian divide in Australia]

Catholic Press (Sydney), Thursday 21 October 1920, page 22


According to a cablegram in Tuesday's papers, the military and police forces in Ireland have quite gone to the dogs. In a riot after a football match at Belfast, the military fired on the Nationalists, dispersing them, and then on the Unionists, killing three. The two parties of rioters must have been lined up, so that none of them would be off-side. In this instance, the soldiers 'saved their face' by firing first on the Nationalists; but the effort apparently broke them up, for the cable goes on to state that a number of casualties were caused by auxiliary police, through a mistake, firing on troops, and vice versa, in the darkness, at Parnell-square. The day's bag will, no doubt, ultimately be charged to Sinn Fein, and some town burned down in 'reprisal.'

[This is possibly ominous. Toombul is now inner north but was possibly considered further out 100 YAT]

Telegraph (Brisbane), Wednesday 20 October 1920, page 5

Shire of Toombul.

Meeting of the COUNCIL


The Queensland British Football Association wrote for particulars of the spaces available for football during the 1921 season, as they wished to have direct control of same, and it was decided to allot them to their clubs requiring the playing fields. It was decided to advise the association that the council had no grounds to let. 

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Soccer at Gallipoli

This one could be controversial. The British war memorial describes this photo in the following way: 
Men of the Australian Army Medical Corps playing football in the evening. A shell of the "evening hate" (shelling by the enemy in the evening) is seen bursting in the background. The highest ground to the right on the horizon (not shown in this print) is Achi Baba.

OK: are they playing soccer?
  1. What sort of ball is it?
  2. What are they doing with it?
  3. Can it be said that they are 'playing soccer'?

The Victorian Team ready to Venture North 1888

 Argus, Monday 23 July 1888, page 5




The team selected by the Anglo-Australian Football Association to represent Victoria in the Intercolonial match with Now South Wales had their third and final practice match on Saturday, on the ground of the South Melbourne Anglo-Australian Football Club at Middle park, when they showed continued improvement on their form of 7th and 14th. The team seem now to fully understand each other, and the forward division combine and pass the ball from one to the other as unselfishly as if they all belonged to one club instead of representing three different clubs and dribbling the ball too much. The back division could not he much improved upon, but these practise games have allowed the Carlton and South Melbourne representatives to understand how best to assist one another in this most important position. If the goalkeeper, who has also improved, is able to perform his responsible task satisfactorily, then the team as a whole should be able to render a good account of themselves next Saturday, as it is the strongest team that has represented Victoria since the intercolonial contests were inaugurated in 1883. The result of the match was a win for Victoria's re-presentatives by 8 goals to 2, Maepherson, one of the Victorian backs, scoring one of the goals for the opposing team when hotly pressed in the mouth of goal.

The Victorian team all played well, while Spence, Tuck, Beeson, Short, and Dovey played well for the losers. The team leaves by express on Wednesday, play on unbeaten record, besides being the winners of the Gardiner Challenge Cup. The Victorians will go on to Sydney on Friday to play the intercolonial match on Saturday, the 28th; a match against Sydney suburban clubs on Monday, the 30th ; a match against Sydney city clubs, on Tuesday, the 31st ; a match at Newcastle, on Thursday, August 2, and return on Friday, the 3rd The team is as follows :-L. Jones (Melbourne Rovers), goal ; R. Amson (Carlton), captain, and R Macpherson (South Melbourne), backs; H. Tunnicliffe (Carlton), R. Bryan (Prahran), H. Clark (Melbourne Rovers), halfbacks; J. Nicholson (Carlton). A. Miller (South Melbourne), right wing forwards; J. Ross (Carlton), centre ; H. Parsall (Prahran), C. W. Armour (South Melbourne), left wing forwards; reserves, W. Bisiker (Melbourne Rovers), J. Lockhead (Prahran); manager, W. Bisiker.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Won't someone think of the horses!

 Herald, Monday 24 March 1884, page 3

A deputation from the Anglo-Australian Football Club, introduced by Mr Gaunson, applied this morning to the Lands Department for liberty to erect permanent goal posts on their recreation ground in Yarra Park. It was pointed out that there might be some objection to this course as the posts would obstruct the career of horsemen riding through the park. Mr Bickford, the Curator of Parks and Gardens will be requested to furnish a report upon the subject before action be taken. 

Sunday 11 October 2020

100 Years Ago Today 15 October 1920

Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser, Friday 15 October 1920, page 4




Murray Bridge was favored on Saturday last with a visit from the Adelaide British Association Football Association, when 12 representatives of "The only purely game of football played" made the trip, at the suggestion of a few Murray Bridge enthusiasts and played an exhibition match, in which several local players participated on the show ground in aid of the funds of the Soldiers Memorial Hospital. For various reasons the attendance was not at all in accord with the worthiness of the object of the match, but a sum of approximately £4 was taken at the gate, and as all the expenses were privately defrayed this means that a sum of approximately £10 will accrue to the hospital funds as the result of the visit. For the purpose of creating a little local enthusiasm one team, which included four local men, was de signated Murray Bridge, the players wear ing the green and white of the Sturt Club, and the other team, which was called Ade laide, was arrayed in white. The teams wereas follows:

Murray Bridge--Griffith (goal) Cameron and Burrett (backs), Maton, Hewish (capt), and Draper (half-backs), Robertson, Crojer, Terry, Murdoch and Forrester (forwards).

Adelaide-Kirk (goal) Ormerod and Rapley (backs), Chinnery, McLaren, and Lee (half-backs), Chinnery, Shepherd (capt.), Chinnery, Chinnery and Evans (forwards).

The game proved an attraction lo the spectators, which included quite a sprinkling of "Pommes," who were pleased to renew their acquaintance with a game which has caught on wherever it has been played in the British Empire. There was a fair number of pure Australians, including a percentage of ladies who "barracked" for their fancies with a will. The game opened with an attack on the visitors' goal, but the backs were safe and the ball went behind the goal line. From the kick-off Terry got possession, and with a long pass, sent out to Forrester, but the chance went a begging, and Rapley relieved with a huge kick, which transferred play to the home half. The three Chinnerys got possession and with a concerted run made an onslaught on the Bridge goal, but Griffith saved in fine style at the expense of a corner kick which proved abortive. From the kick-off Maton secured the ball and, evading two opponents, he placed Terry in possession when the latter was well placed. McLaren, however, was on the alert, and robbed the centre as he was about to shoot and soon play was transferred to the other half, only to see Hewish rob Chinnery as he was streaking for goal. Hewish placed Murdoch in possession, and the latter transferred to Forrester, who over-ran the ball and allowed Rapley to clear when the goal was in danger. McLaren robbed Terry very neatly, and placed the ball at Sheppherd's toes, and that speedy youth sent well forward to Chinnery, who eluded Burrett with the cleverness of an eel, and before Griffith could make up his mind what to do Chinnery had banged the ball past him, and the first and only point of the match was scored. On resuming the ladies called on the Bridge men to show their paices, and they were making tracks for goal when Mr. Nightingale brought back Terry for offside. The free kick was taken by Rapley, and play was in mid-field when the whistle went for half-time. On change of ends the Bridgeites roused the spirits of their fair barrackers by making a dash for goal and Murdoch was about to shoot when the ball was fouled by Cameron, and a claim for "hands" was given against the defender, and a penalty awarded to Murray Bridge. Hewish entrusted Maton with the honor of taking the penalty, but that player banged the ball against the goalkeeper, who saved in a marvellous manner. A free- kick to the Bridge looked dangerous for the visitors, but nothing resulted. The Adelaide men made a concerted run down the field, Chinnery disgusted his lady admirers by lifting the ball over the bar when he had the goal at his mercy. No further points were scored, and the match resulted in a win for Adelaide one goal to nil.

It would be unfair to criticise the play as all the players were in new position, relatively speaking, the teams being representa tive of the whole six clubs in the association, and included no less than five captains. Of the local men Maton was far away the best and was indeed equal to any man on the field, and for a player out of practice his ex hibition was marvellous. Terry as centre forward did well, and Burrett at back taackled well but lacked sting in his kicks. Forrester was obviously out of condition and though he worked hard he was soon winded.

Social at Night

At night the visitors were entertained by the Murray Bridge Ladies' Athletic Club to dinner in the parish hall. The head of the table was occupied by the Rev. W. A. Terry : and T. T. Thompson, president of the association. Full justice was done to an appetising [???] after which addresses were delivered by several players and local residents. W.A. Terry took the opportunity to thank the visitors for their kindness in coming to Murray Bridge at their own expense for the purpose of playing an exhibition match in aid of the Soldiers Memorial Hospital. He hoped that they would have a team in the town next season, and that they would receive another visit from the Adeaide men. (Voices - We will come, all right) He had been promised a ball for the local school boys by Mr. Thompson and it would be his pleasure to coach the boys in the game, so that they might have players coming on for the future. (Hear, hear.)

Mr. G. R. Handley, as an old player, said that it gave him much pleasure to be present at the dinner, and he had been pleased to renew his acquaintance with the old game. He found among the players one man from his native town, and from the accent of the referee, Mr. Nightingale, he surmised that he was another native of Lancashire. It was a striking tribute to the enthusiasm of the visitors that they had made the trip entirely at their own expense, and this was something new in Australian sport. On be half of the townspeople Mr. Handley thanked the visitors for their services, which meant that a sum of approximately £10 would accrue to the hospital funds.

Mr. J. J. Thompson, on behalf of the visitors, expressed pleasure at having made the trip, which had been one of the most enjoyable the association had yet made, and they had been to Peterborough and to Broken Hill. They had met with a fine reception and particularly from the ladies. (Applause.) He hoped that Murray Bridge would again extend an invitation to them, and he was sure that every man who had made that trip would be only too pleased to come again. (Voices-We will, that.) He desired to thank the ladies for their hospitality, and he could assure them that if they would get a team together he would bring a team of ladies from Adelaide to give them a game at football, and another at basketball. The association had to fight against great odds, as they had not an oval of their own, and the financing of the association was a difficult matter. They hoped to get the game into the schools next season, and he felt sure that once the game was started in Murray Bridge it would in crease in popularity.

Mr. -Hewish (captain North Adelaide), Mr. Shepherd (captain of the premier club), Mr. Rapley (captain of Souths), and Mr. Crojer also spoke in terms of warm appreciation.

After the addresses had closed the visitors were entertained to a social under the con trol of Mr. and Mrs. Marson, and a most enjoyable evening was spent. The visitors left for Adelaide by the express on Sunday morning.

A Grand Record.

Mr., Thompson, president of the association, informed our representative that he was an Australian, and had played, football under Mr. Ernest Jones, the well-known Australian cricketer, at Broken Hill. But for a number of years he had taken an active interest in the soccer game, and this year the association had done him the honor of making him their president. Of 32 men who made the trip to Murray Bridge no less than 15 were returned soldiers, and he claimed that their association had an excel lent record of war service. Out of 400 regis tered players prior to the war, more than 300 had enlisted in the A.I.F., and they had suffered great loss. The South Club, which had only 13 players registered, had lost eight of that number killed on active service. The association had had a very strenuous time in keeping its head above water, as they had no oval from which they could derive a gate and the financing of the body depended entirely on their subscription fees and donations. They had received a great filip by reason of having had the crew of the "Renown" to play them on the Adelaide Oval, and this had caused many to take an interest in the game to whom it was strange. They had every prospect of getting the game into the schools next year, and this would assist them in bringing on players. He hoped that an effort would be made to cultivate the game in Murray Bridge, adding. ''Understand. I don't want to interfere with the Australian game, but there is plenty of room for both codes, and they are both good games. Where a man might be a failure at one game he might be a great success at the other."

Thanks for Assistance.

The promoters of the match desire to thank Messrs. Piper and Hamburg for do nations. Mr. Jenkin for the loan of goal posts. Mr. Cawte for carting, the ladies of the Athletic Club for providing the dinner, the Show Committee for the use of the ground, Messers Doeman, Allan W Foreman, and Stevens for services as gate keepers, and the "River Murray Advocate" for advertising the match and generally assisting in its promotion.

Arrow (Sydney), Friday 15 October 1920, page 6


Does Juniors' Season Ever End ?


The Metropolitan Association owing to the lateness of the season and dearth of suitable city grounds, has abandoned the replay of the metropolitan premiership final. Three weeks ago Balmain Fernleigh and Gladesville played a 2-2 draw. It has been agreed by both sides to divide the honor. The Association is to be congratulated on its action.

The State junior championship (Richardson Cup) continues to drag wearily on and it looks as if the final will not be reached before November. In the qualifying round for the semi-final, Tarrawanna. (South Coast) will play Pyrmont at Bulli tomorrow. while Minmi (Newcastle) will meet Woodpeckers (Newcastle), and Hamilton (Newcastle) will be pitted against Adamstown. The four northern teams will decide their games at Newcastle to-morrow. Auburn will meet Bulli at Clyde on October 23. 


To-morrow will be a gala day at Clyde Oval and the whole of the net proceeds are to be donated to charities in the Granville district. The match of the day will be the Cottam Cup final between Two Blues and Granville Rechabites. Play will start at 2.30. The Cottam Cup is a memorial trophy. It was originally the trophy for the First League premiership, and was donated by the late Sir Harry Rawson and known as the Rawson Cup. It was won outright by Granville, who handed it over to the Granville Association, to be played for annually as a memorial to Jack Cottam a clever forward, who made the supreme sacrifice in France. Another attraction will be the annual match between the Sydney and Granville referees. I hear that many of the overweights and veterans such as Ernie Lukeman, A. Peaty, Jack Lester, Billy Wright and Leo Gill (??) are going to show that they can come back.

Newcastle Sun, Friday 15 October 1920, page 2

The First Bound

[Cricket] Adamstown second graders have, on paper, one of the best teams in this grade. They have, however, made a bad start. A forfeit of their first fix ture to B.H.P. was on Saturday fol lowed by another, forfeit to Booloroo. The long drawn out Soccer finals are apparently having their effect on Ad amstown cricket. The same difficulty last year practically cost Adamstown a place in the final game.

South Coast Times and Wollongong Argus, Friday 15 October 1920, page 13


To-morrow's Games.

Nurse Cup, Balgownie v. Corrimal at Bulli, 4 p.m.; Booth referee. Richardson Cup: Tarrawanna. v. Pyr mont at Bulli, 2.15 p.m., Baker referee. Juvenile Competition: Corrimal v. Woonona B., at Corrimal, 2 p.m.; Bulli v. Woonona A., at Woonona, 2 p.m.; Coledale v. Balgownie, at Woonona, at 3.10 p.m. ' ' (By H.M.) Last Saturday the Nurse Cup Compe tition was advanced towards the final stage. Two games being played, one at Bulli and one at Woonona; the first named between Corrimal and Port Kembla, the former winning by four goals to nil. This game I did not see, but from advice received it was a very poor game. The other was between Woonona B and Balgownie B. This was a fair game, Woonona winning by 3 to 1. Of the Balgownie players, C. James was about the best; the left wing was fair, missing a few chances at scor ing when an opening occurred. Of the Woonona players, W. Casley was always sure as a back; also W. Creigh ton, outside right, and inside were the best on the day's play in these posi tions. This team meets tbe winners of next Saturday's game between Balgownie and Corrimal. Team to represent Tarrawanna v. Pvrmont at Bulli, on Saturday, 16th: Goal, J. Shipton; backs, P. Skerritt, J. Maxwell; halves, G. Skerritt, E. Sim ons, J. Collier; forwards, W. Fisher, L. Skerritt, V. Williamson, W. Harrigan, A. Wheeler; emergencies (forwards), D. Beecham, F. Williamson; (backs), W. Freeman.

Sunraysia Daily, Monday 18 October 1920, page 3

Prince of Wales

Roumanian Princess or a Briton WHICH SHALL HE MARRY? (United Service.) LONDON, Saturday.

LONDON, Sunday. The Prince of Wales made his flrst public appearance, since his return from his tour, yesterday. His Royal Highness attended a Chelsea soccer match, at which 60,000 persons were present, and was rapturously cheered as he traversed the oval to converse with a number of wounded men, who are regular attendants in bath chairs.

Toowoomba Chronicle, Tuesday 12 October 1920, page 6



On Friday evening the Oakey Tennis Club held a very successful euchre party and dance in the Olympic Hall. A smart shower came up just about 7.30, and no doubt, kept a number from attending; therefore the gathering was rather on the small side. The first prize (ladies') went tp Miss Diflo, who scored in the draw off for places, with Misses Eva Robb and Et. Davis, and Mr. A. Hoff, who took the part of a lady. The first prize was a silver-mounted hair tidy, presented by Miss J. Schultz, the second fell to Miss E. Davis, a small suit case. The first gentlemen's, prize was secured by Mr. G. S. Langton, who tied with Mr. Ball, first prize being a razor, presented by. Mr. Atwell, second prize being a fountain pen, donated by Mr. A. Weise, of Commercial Hotel. Mrs. White (Jondaryan) supplied excellent dance music during the evening. 

During Saturday afternoon a fancy dress football match (soccer) was played between Balgowan and the Oakey team. The Balgowan team marched to music of cornet and drum to the recreation grounds, where the game was contested. Some of the costumes were grotesque in the extreme, and included a harem lady, a mandarin, a Waybacker, whose costume was very original, several pierrots, and last, but not least, a "Charlie Chaplin," who was everywhere at once, and played a game of marbles on his own in the middle of the game, and among other antics cleaned his soles and brushed his liair and teeth all with the one brush, looking very pleased with himself the while. The players for Balgowan were W. Prosser (goal keeper); left wing, W. Murphy; right wing, J. Hayes; J. Brown, W. Oliver. J. Kitching (H.B.); E. Perry, A. Oliver, A. Smith, J. E. Elliot. A. Wright (forwards);A.R. Denton, lineman. Some of the Oakey men were not in character, but those who went to the trouble of doing up were Mr. J. Langton (who represented Breheny's beer), and Mr. B. Nation also, whose costume looked the job indeed with "Continuance" printed across his "stern sheets," as they say at sea. A "nigger" also took part in the game. The Oakey men who played were (G.K.) Stewart McAlpine, D. Morrison and P. Hunter (F.B.),L.O. Dwyer, L. Morrison, J. Sternog (H.B.), T. Prosser, T. Edwards, W. Dabbs, J. Langton, B. Nation (forwards). Oakey team was victorious by 1 to 0. The gift evening held in Schultz's Hall on Saturday was a decided success. The gifis sent in were all cleared, and Captain Peroney, who has been working hard with comrades from Goombungee, who helped during the afternoon, and Captain Vincent and others, were well pleased with the results. It was unfortunate that Lieutenant Watkins was absent on account of illness. Captain Vincent (Sydney) is the guest of Mrs. G. Cox (DerwentJ whilst in Oakey. The holders of the sweet stall in the C.E. bazaar arc holding an evening in the School of Arts (Oakey) in aid of their stall on Tuesday night.

Toowoomba Chronicle, Friday 15 October 1920, page 7

Daily News (Perth), Friday 15 October 1920, page 3


So far as the season just, ended is concerned, it has undoubtedly been a success financially. Three times has a game been played on an enclosed oval and on each occasion it proved well worth it. So far as the league was concerned, the one drawback was that there was too much of a tail. With two additional clubs this matter can be remedied next season, for the Presentation Cup is still lying idle, calling aloud for the second division of the league to be reformed. The officials and delegates of the as sociation have each and all done their share of toil, and none need be singled out for laurel leaves, except perhaps Jim Cutmore, the hard working hon. secretary. The headquarters are still, and long will be, we hope, at the Ama teur Sports Club, where our old friend Mr. M'Dowall reigns 'supreme'. The chairman of the association desires here to express his thanks to the va rious vice-presidents, and club offi cials, delegates, and players who with out exception have rendered him, loyal support right through a strenuous sea son — strenuous because so much has had to be rebuilt, retried, reexperi mented with. The one game played by, the association as such was the me morable game played against the Royal Australian Navy on the occasion of the visit to the West of the Prince of Wales, when Western Australia de feated the sailor boys 7-0 at Loton's Park before\a large crowd. Photos of both State and Navy teams are now hanging in the Sports Club. The honor board, to contain some 450 names, is now nearing completion, and no more handsome or imposing thins of its kind exists anywhere. it was not found possible this year at any rate to run a country soccer week but the association notes with pleasure the re- establishment of the game, in numerous country centres.

PERTH CITY UNITED. Two years ago eight of this club'a players were juniors. Under the able presidency of President Simon and the assiduous care and hard work of Secretary Stan Power, the club has done wonderfully, and put up a fine performance, in winning the league premiership. The Blue and Gold Social Club, an adjunct of the football club, caters for the boys and their lady friends, and its services to the association on the occasion of the big ball tendered in the Perth Town Hall to the navy boys will not be forgotten. Concerning the players, Jock Warden, captain and centre half , deserves all the nice things we have written of him, ? for a cleverer or more popular player has not been known in the West. Jim Gordon's 50 goals stand out as a record. The club owes a great deal too, to the old heads, Dick Utting, Jim Sharpies, and Snowy Hancock, for able and material assistance rendered. The club runs two good junior sides, and trophies have been won. In September the whole club had a most successful trip to Albany.

Thursday 8 October 2020

100 Years Ago Today 1920

Capricornian, Saturday 9 October 1920, page 53

Arrow (Sydney), Friday 8 October 1920, page 14



The final of the Gardiner Cup, which carries with it the title of State champions, takes place to-morrow on the Agricultural Ground. Of the 33 nominations only Balmain Fernleigh (the present holdero) and Granville remain. Granville is the most ancient of the pair. They have held the Cup twice--in 1904 and 1914. Prior to the initial competition in 1888, they were season's champions in 1885 and 1886. but lost to Hamilton Athletic in 1887. Balmain Fernleigh have one notch on the code's scroll of fame--in 1919, in which ycar they also captured the metropolitan pre miership. In the first match Caledonians bcat Parkgrove by 4 goals to 2. Since then 29 champions have been inscribed on the trophy. Balmain. with six notches, hold pride of place, followed by Pyrmont Ran-gers with five. On six occasions the final has been drawn. 


To-morrow's game is being looked forward to with interest, and the N.S. Wales F.A. officials are expecting a big crowd to watch the contest. Balmain Fernleigh are confident, while Secretary Fred Robertson reports that Granville are going to make a big effort to regain the trophy. Geo. Dane, the Interstate full-back, will be an absentee, having met with a serious accident to his thumb. Henderson will take his usual place a full-back. He is a good all-round man. and did well against Pyrmont in the Nurse Cup last Saturday. In the forwards, W. Dane, the speedy outside right, and Dick Miranda, a fleety centre forward, will also play. They will be assisted by three clever junior players who did remarkably well in the Granville competitions. Harry Wheat will be in the half-back line. 


Balmain will field their crack eleven, They play crisp, exhilarating football. Their. best include Dr. Porter (centre) Fred Hancock (inside left), and Yabsley (outside left). The half-back line is solid, and comprises Ferrier (capt.), Leadbetter, and Sid Storey. A. Fisher and Batten will again be the full-backs, while Cartwright will be the goalie. Balmain Fernleigh have yet to meet Gladesville in the final for the metropolitan premiership. The Junior Association has not made a start with the semi-finals of the Richardson Cup, while the Kerr and Nurse Cups are being run by the North and South Coast Associations respectively. The N.S.W. Referees' Association will meet the Granville Rcferees' Association at Clyde on October 16. A dinner will follow. 


The Metropolitan Junior Association, under the able guidance of Mr. F. C. Parker as hon. secretary, reports a most successful season. Dulwich Hill won the Charity Cup, a knock-out series, defeating St. George District 3-1. The A Grade competition was won by West Sydney. Pyrmont and Lilyfield meet next Saturday in the early game at the Agricultural Ground to decide the winner of the B Division. The winner of the match will be pitted against the A Division winners, Canterbury Juniors, for the B Grade Premiership. The Glanville Memorial Cup (B Grade champion-ship) was won by Wentworth Juniors. The medals and trophies won during the season will be presented at a social evening to be held by the Metropolitan Junior Association at the; Leichhardt Town Hall on October 21.

Illawarra Mercury, Friday 8 October 1920, page 1


Sports at Wollongong.

There was a large attendance at the Eight Hour Day Sports at Bode's on Monday, and a good, sporty, programme was presented by the promoters, which was well contested. The entries were a record. The delightful, weather helped towards the enjoymenf, of those that were present. The officials responsible for the control of the sports, which were under the auspices of the local branch of the A.L.P., were — President, Mr. Stephens; treasurer, Mr. H. Fredericks!; jiylge of dancingMr. Drain,; judge of athletic events, Mr. Simpson; handicapper, Mr. Scrivener . qtarter. Mr. Stapleton ;, Committee. Messrs. W. Gilbert, A. Smith, Murphy, Scrivener, Stapleton, Simpson, B. Makin, T. Smith, H. Smith, S. Day, E. McGoldriclc, M. Hegherty, Harold Smith, Evan Davies- aiad J. Freldiericks. ' ' ! . .: The duties of secretary wfere (carried out in a very capable maher by Mrs. Smith, Mr. W. DaVies, M.L.A., was ' present, and Rendered valuable assistance. Folowing is the result of. the various events: — 100 yards Footrace. — (W. Abberton 1, S. Abberton 2. 

High Jump. — J. Wiseman (5ft. 6in.).

Boys. B]o'otrace, under 14. — Tom Egan. 1 ? 

Girls' Race, under 16-Martha Young (Woonona). 

Girls' Race, under 12.— Dolly; Ross. 

Skipping, for Girls under 16.' — Alice Evans. 

Skipping, for girls under 12. — Edna Russell (BaJgownie). 

75yds. Footrace. — W. Abberton 1, C. Smith 2, Jarrett also started. 

Boys' Faotrace, under 12.— L. Greer 1, J. Greer 2. 

Siamese Race (boys under 16). — J.. David and W. Burns. 

Siamese Race (girls). — Olive Bode and Alma Thompson. 

Married Ladies' Race. — Mrs. Wejsl-I, Mrs. Kinnane 2. 

Highland Events. -Highland Fling. — E. Fratus 1, S. Lindsay 2. 

Sailors' Hor,npipe. — E. Fratusi 1, M, O'Neil 2. 

Irish Jig. — E. ' Fratus lv Clarence Hughes 2. 

Football. The Soccer match was won by Balgownie representatives. 


Coursing Events, Greyhound Stakes: Ten entries, with £1 added. First dog £8, second £2 and third £1. First Round.- — Kelly beat Malt Mary; Court Jester beat Impie; Laddie Blue beat Laddie; Nell beat Jamito; Brindle Boy beat Wolaroi. ? First TSefy — Kelly beat Brindle Boy; Nell beat Court Jester: Laddie Blue a bye. Third Ties. — Kelly beat Laddie Blue; Nell a bye. Deciding Course. — G. O'Brion's Nell beat Arthur Bate's Kelly; Laddiie Blue was third. i ' *' 

Whippets. Only the first round of the Whippet stake was run off,- on account of a shortage of rabbits. The stake will be concluded to-morrow (Saturday): Ginger Mick beat Toorak Lass. Radium beat Bonnie T; Silver Lass boat Water Berry; Net: beat Lassie; Nancy beat Water Rat; Smokie beat Sailor; Melba a) bye. Ginger Mick and Radium are in the second round. The remaining pairs have yet two courses to yun in the first round.

South Coast Times and Wollongong Argus, Friday 8 October 1920, page 4

A.L.P. Sports


The Wollongong Branch of the A.L.P. conducted a successful sports meeting i at Bode's Grounds on Eight-hour Day. The attendance constituted a record. The gardens nearby were thronged with people throughout the afternoon and as the wisteria and other blooms looked, at their best, the sight was appreciated.

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Thursday 30 August 1928, page 7

TORTURE OF RABBITS. Sir,-The action of our present Govern-ment in placing a ban on tin hare coursing has brought about a recurrence of the revolting spectacle of little rabbits being mutilated in the most brutal manner, their tiny quivering bodies being torn to shreds by dogs trained for this so-called "sport" by their inhuman masters, men! Here, in the environs of Newcastle, this horror is spreading; dogs, men, even women and children, gathering at various coursing grounds to witness the gory scene, seeming to gloat over its very cruelty. The pitiable slaughter of timid little creatures, who are too seared and fearful to run far from their captors, is repulsive to anyone having even the rudiments of compassion in their make-up. It is indeed a sad sight to see a crowd of people, who have the privilege of living in one of the fairest and sunniest spots on earth, employing their moments of leisure by such shocking scenes. Reccntly, for one sickening moment, I had a vision of one small victim being torn in. two by dogs, one dog having the head, and its companion the hind legs of the rabbit, the little body, with its bleeding flesh and torn tissues, and the agonised look of awful fear in the staring eyes, forming a sad picture. 

St George Call, Saturday 9 October 1920, page 2




On Monday last, St. George met Adelaide City at Bathurst, in the final of the Australian Championship, the game resulting in a win for Saints by 1 goal to nil. Les Allen was the scorer. The game started off at a great pace but the heat soon wore the players down, but the game was never lacking in interest. At full time there was no score and extra time had to be played. Just before the finish, after a great bombardment on Watson the Adelaide goalie, L. Allen put in a hard drive which easily defeated the goalie. For St. George, Allen, Alexander, Phillips, Simpson and Andrews each played a sterling game ; the rest of the team played as well as was expected. This is the second time this team has won the Championship, being led by.Les. Allen each time. In the match against the Western Districts on the previous Saturday, J. Phillips led his team to victory by two goals to nil, scoring both goals himself, thus proving himself as good a forward as he is a goalie.

West Australian, Friday 8 October 1920, page 9

FOOTBALL. THE BUNBURY PREMIERSHIP. The premiership match of the Bunbury Football Association was played at Forrest Park before a large crowd. South Bunbury, the minor premiers, opened with a strong offensive, and did not relax their efforts until the final bell, when the scores read: South Bunbury, 3.10: Lumpers, 1.7. 


There is one more shutter to put up before we can write finis to the 1920 season, viz, the final of the Charity Cup. This trophy will receive our attention to morrow unless we have a repetition of the Claremont-Perth City bout of two weeks ago. when they played two hours and twenty minutes without arriving at a deci sion. Though the performance is unique it is not a record, this being established eight years ago in a match on Wellington square which lasted two and a half hours, and had to be replayed. Thistle are down to meet Claremont on the Esplanade and, given congenial weather, there should be a record attendance. Thistle are leaving nothing to chance in their endeavour to again have their name inscribed on the cup. From what can be gleaned Clare mont will not be at full strength. Davies will be absent from the half-line; also Gardner from the attack, but though these defections will weaken the "reds" they will be able to put good substitutes in their place. Form points to Claremont as being the winners. Soccer, however, is an uncertain game, and whilst the consen sus of opinion is that the suburban lot will win it is quite on the cards that the "jags" may rise to the occasion and upset the prophets. Speaking without the book, I do not remember Claremont ever having been the home of the cup except during the year that their juniors won it from Training College after a replay. Not withstanding this fact, it is to be hoped that the Thistle will come out on top, and on their merits, as it is good to have the prizes go round. -

The Esplanade was the scene of the replay between Perth City and Claremont last Saturday. Generally speaking, these repeat tie games are akin to "could Kail let again," never so delectable as when first served. This game, however, proved the exception, as it was always interesting and practically free from any feeling. Play opened very fast, and within five minutes Perth City were a goal up. Stott, in goal mulled a. ball sent over from the right wing, and "Jimmy" Gordon running in placed it in the net. It was an unlucky goal for Gordon, and, incidentally Perth City, who, when scoring, ran against the upright and had to be taken off the field, His retirement was a great loss to the Cityites and completely upset their attack. The next twenty minutes was Claremont's game, but they could not find the target. Letchford and then Shellabear tested Tonkinson who cleared a centre which Shellabear piloted safely past Tonkinson and equalised. With the wind against them and practically only nine men, Perth City had a tough proposition to tackle. It was no surprise therefore when Claremont scored although more credit was due to the goalkeeper than to the forward who scored the goal. Tonkinson like his vis-a-vis in the opening half made a vital mistake which Nicholls availed himself of and scored what proved to be the winning goal the final scores tbeing Claremont two goals; Perth City, one goal. Although beaten by a goal soared in the second half the honours undoubtedly lie with the Cityites defence. The forwards being disorganised were unable to give the back divisions any respite. Watt, Warden and Ashton played finely at half, whilst Uitting was in his element at back. Sharples tackled well but his clearances were not, all of the best, at the same time he was serviceable. A. Gordon and Napier were the pick of the forwards. For Claremont Bannister played his first game of note at back this season in the writer's presence. Hitherto he has been most unreliable but on this occasion he redeemed himself. T. Nicholls also showed better form. Davies at centre half was a power of strength and rendered /yeoman service also his wing halves J. Marshall end Hill. Marshall and Nicholls were the best of the forwards. Shellabear was also good and scored a fine goal. Leutchford and Howieson were responsible for some good combined movements and centres. About eighty followem rsiled up to the Thistle social lest Saturday evening at the Oddfellows Hall. Several toasts were honoured and a number of artists contributed towards the harmony of the evening. Talking to the writer.: Mr. H. Campbell the acting honorary secretary of the Caledonian Society stated that his society propose holding another five aside tournament at their annual sports on New Year's Day. ;Sean ing another five aside tournament at their quintette in view so that the venture will turn out a greater success then last year. Particnlars of the contest will be announ-. ced later. The association will hold their' wind up social at the Amateur Sports Club to-morrow evening, when the various tro phies willbe presented to the winners.