Playing long balls into empty space since 2012.

Thursday, 8 July 2021

100 Years Ago Today, July 8 1921

Queensland Times (Ipswich), Wednesday 6 July 1921, page 6


Compiled from files of the "Queensland Times," of 25 years ago, 1896.

British Association Football--Ipswich Rovers trounced the Bundanba Rangers by 1 goal to nil, P. Levesey refereeing; and the Brisbane Thistles were beaten, on the Pineapple ground South Brisbane, by the Second Bush Rats by 4 goals to 3. 

Armidale Chronicle, Wednesday 6 July 1921, page 3

SOCCER Armidale City met the renowned Cessnock team (Newcastle) on Saturday last, giving one of the finest exhibitions of football played at home this season, the home team leading by one goal to nil ten minutes from time. Constant practice told its tale, and Newcastle led by three goals to one on the final whistle. The teams were:—

Armidale City.—A. Woodcock, W. Gill, A. Ridley, C. Lesnic F. W. Mil ner (capl.), Dr. Austin, W. Leach, R. Woodcock, .1. M'Avoy, and II. Bishop.

Newcastle.—G. Wells, G. Williams, Li. Buskins, G. Nixon, G. Runncx (cap tain), D. Harden, C.'Williams, G. Roe, •T. Shang, D. Leonard, and II. Wil liams.

Mr. O. V. Williams (President) kicked off for the City, commencing the game al 3.15 p.m. McAvoy securing passed to Bishop, who centred, G. Williams eofending aldy. Play was transferred into the City territory, a combined movement by Newcastle ending in Shang shooting wide. Con tinued pressure by them resulted in their ciTorls meeting with no success, owing to ihe high standard of the lo cal defence, Milncr, Handley, and C. Lcsnic showing out conspicuously. Milner relieving, sent lo Woodcock, lo McAvoy, to Bishop, who drove a high dropping sliot into goal, which was well cleared by Wells. Play was transferred lo mid-field, where even play look place. Rennex securing, again transferred play into the City's territory, but once again the home defence prevailed, Gill and Ridley proving their stumbling block. Bach side look up the attack, Ihe wing men showing cleverness, their centreing being all that could lie wished, hut weakness of the inside men spoilt their efforts. Half-time arrived with no scores. \

On resuming, Newcastle kept up Ihe attack for ten minutes, Milncr re lieving the pressure, sending to Lesnie, to Austin, who, travelling down the wing, centred, and Bishop' securing, opened the scoring with a fast, low drive, giving Wells no possible chance. Even play from the kick-ofT followed, Newcastle having the better - of the exchanges, but could not break through the homo defence. Auslin, Lesnie, and R. Woodcock broke away

occasionally,'hut they found lloskins

and Rennex hard to beat. A move ment starling from Nixon, to Williams, Lo Roe, lo Lennard, In E. Williams, who centred, and Woodcock, owing to Hie slippery state of the ball, could not hold it, ended in Shang rushing the ball through, equalising for ' New castle. Willi five minutes to go, New castle attacked in earnest, and once again, owing to a misunderstanding be tween (he local hack and goalie, Roe touched the hall past Ihe latter, secur ing the lead 2—1. Willi three minutes to go, Newcastle scored again, Ren

ucx securing, and passing to Nixon, to Roe, to C. Williams, who, travelling at top speed, beat Milner and Ridley, sending in a lovely siiol to the riglil side of the goal, high up, giving A. Woodcock no chance, rfliu. !ly after the whistle hlew, leaving Newcastle the winners hy lliree goals to one.

Newcastle were deserving of their victory, their combination, especially the forwards, being worthy of high est praise in the second half. Up, ten minutes from time, Armidale appeared lo he certain winners, but constant playing by the Newcastle team stood them at the finish. No individual play can be quoted of the Newcastleites, combination being their premier excellence.

For Armidale, Rishop's goal was a scorcher, and Handley was the best on field in the defence. R. Woodcock did not play up to his reputation, but G. Uesnie played his best game of the season. Milner, Gill, and Ridley play ed up-to their usual good standard, but A. Woodcock was extremely un fortunate in two goals being scored against liini owing to the slippery na ture of the ground. Dr. Austin play ed an excellent game, whilst his condi tion lasted, hut his final efforts were inclined to lie weak.

Visitors Entertained.

After the match the Armidale players had dinner with the visiting team, and entertained them later at a smoke concert at the Albion Hotel.

The Mayor (Ald. A. Purkiss) presided, and gave the toast of "The King." The Mayor extended a hearty welcome to the visiting team. Soccer, he said, was in its infancy in Armidale, and he did not know much about the game, being more conversant with Rugby. Nevertheless there must be something in Soccer to bring visitors all the way from Cessnock to give Armidale a game. He hoped their slay in Armidale would be a pleasant one.

Mr. F. W. Milner proposed the health of "The Cessnock Soccer Club." The locals were highly delighted and intensely gratified when they heard the Cessnock Club intended to pay a visit to Armidale, simply to give a helping hand to "Soccer" in the country districts. Thcy had travelled at their own expense to push things along in Armidale. No doubt Soccer was making big strides in New South Wales. A lot of Soccer was being played in and around Sydney, and it had got a footing in the country districts. It was being played in Glen Innes, Tenterfield, and the Kentucky Soldiers' Settlement had also a good team. The ladies were taking the game up. He felt sure Soccer was here to stay.

Mr. H. Stevenson replied. Cessnock had been playing Soccer for a number of years. He knew he was expressing the best wishes of the visiting players when he hoped Armidale would develop into a champion Soccer team. He hoped an effort would be made to get the game into the schools, for the boys of to-day were young enough to make the Soccer players of the future.

Mr. G. Renncx proposed the toast of the Armidale Soccer Club." He, too, would impress the Armidale players with the necessity of getting the school boys to play the game. Cessnock's experience' had been that the schools had taken the game up seriously, and many of their seniors had learnt it in the schools. He had played both the Union and the League game, but for a scientific display they were not to lie compared to Soccer.

Mr. O. V. Williams (President) replied on behalf' of the Armidale Soccer Club. He was delighted that the visitors had came along. There had been some talk of postponing the game owing to the wet weather, but, after considering the whole matter, il was decided to let the visitors make the journey. They felt they had met a real good lot of sports, for they had played a nice, clean game, and he thought both sides had enjoyed it. He looked forward to taking an Armidale team to Cessnock, and he was sure the local men would give them a good game.

During the evening songs were sung by Messrs. W. Gill, P. Woodcock, J. Gardner, .1. Giles, S. Nixon, T. Bishop, S. and C. Leslie, and a recitation given by Mr. F. W. Milner.

On Monday morning the visitors were the guests of the Mayor, who look them for a motor trip round Armidale.

Mr. G. Stevenson, on behalf of the visitors, expressed their indebtedness In the Armidale people for all their kindness.

Armidale Chronicle, Saturday 9 July 1921, page 7

Armidale City played a return match with the renowned Cessnock team (Newcastle) on Monday last, reversing their defeat of Saturday last. The home team proved victorious by two goals to one. Both teams made a couple of alterations to the sides which played on Saturday. For Armidale, Cameron, S. Lesnie, and Herron replaced Leach, Handley, and Dr. Austin (absent, owing to injuries); for Newcastle, G. Rennex and G. Wells were replaced by S. Williams and D. Pendergast. Mr. Hanks refereed.

Mr. O. V. Williams (President of the local Club) again kicked off, towards the grandstand. S. Williams cleared. Darwell secured, and passed to E. Williams, who made progress to the City's goal. Gill relieved with a powerful kick, and play was transferred to mid-field. Even play followed until Milner, trapping the ball, passed to R. Woodcock, to Herron, to Cameron, who beat his opponents in line style, finishing up his run by centreing accurately, and McAvoy shooting within inches of the post. From the goalkick, E. Williams secured, and, travelling down the wing at top speed, C. Williams missed by yards with his shot at goal. Cameron once more got possession, and, beating the opposition, centred accurately from the corner flag, where bishop, following up, had an easy task in opening the scoring. Both E. and C. Williams, for Newcastle, showed great pace, the former time and again beating S. Lesnie, and leaving him behind. From a good kick by Ridley, Milner passed to R. Woodcock, who sent in a terrific shot from thirty yards out, only to see the

ball hit the goal post and bounce back into play. Give-and-take play followed afterwards, but neither side could add to the score. Both defences proved superior to the attack. Half-time arrived with Armidale leading by one goal to nil.

On resuming, Armidale took up the attack, and for the first ten minutes overwhelmed the visitors' defence, at tempts being made by R. Woodcock, Milner, Cameron, Bishop, and McAvoy, but Wells proved an adept at dealing with them. Newcastle then took up the offensive, and powerful shots by E. and C. Williams found A. Woodcock on the alert. One save in particular was a masterpiece, Woodcock turning the ball around the goal-post when a score seemed a certainty. Not to be denied, Newcastle continued to press, and C. Williams, securing the ball in mid-field, made a magnificent

individual run, beating Milner, Ridley, and Gill, and sending in a terrific

shot, gave Woodcock no possible chance, making the scores one goal each. This acted as a tonic to the local team, who tightened up their attack, and several attempts were made to secure the lead again. A shot by Bishop had hard luck to miss by inches. The home forwards were outplaying the visitors, their combination being the best seen this season. Long passing was a feature of the play about this time, and on occasions it found the Newcastleites standing still,

owing to the suddenness of transfer of play from one wing to the other. One of these long passes ended in Armidale securing the lead. Milner passed to McAvoy, to Bishop, who, noticing the right wing unmarked, whipped the ball across to Cameron, to Herron, who sent in a perfect centre, and R. Woodcock jumping up, met the ball and headed it through into the top right-hand corner of the net—as pretty a goal as one could wish to see. From this onwards Armidale kept up the pressure, but the visitors defended stubbornly, and no further score was added. The final whistle found Armidlie pressing, and the home team ran out winners by two goals to one.

The combination by the local team displayed in the second half was the best produced this season. The long passing game completely beat the visitors' defence, when indulged in. This is a practice the local men should remember. Ridley was unfortunate in receiving a heavy blow in the face during the early part of the game, which affected his play in the first half. Gill was most reliable, playing his soundest game of the season. C. Lesnie and F. W. Milner were beyond comparison, their tackling and clearing being a sight to see. Cameron was a bone of strength in the forwards. The locals are lucky in having secured such a player. R. Woodcock and McAvoy showed up prominently, but should keep up closer to goal when the wing men centre the ball. They give the opposition too many opportunities to clear. Newcastle adopted the same tactics as on Saturday, E. and C. Williams, on their respective wings, showing brilliance, but the inside men did not support them too well. Hoskins experienced bad luck in having his wrist sprained ten minutes before time. He played a sterling


Meeting of Committee.

On the day's play Armidale deserved their victory, and were extremely unfortunate to lose on Saturday.

The Club held its weekly meeting on Tuesday last. Mr. F. W. Milner occupied the chair, and there was a good attendance. It was decided to invite West Wallsend to Armidale at an early date. It was also pleasing to note that the High School had decided to adopt the Soccer code, in view of which the Club is donating a football. On Wednesday, two elevens from the High School participated in a friendly game, which the boys greatly enjoyed. It was decided that should the other schools wish to play Soccer, a member would be in attendance at any time to teach them the rules of the game. After the football meeting the Dance Committee got busy, and completed arrangements for the Soccer dance, which is fixed to take palce on July 12th.

Sun (Sydney), Wednesday 6 July 1921, page 4



Chewing Gum and Giggles

"What are the red flags for?" asked a big strapping girl, attired in a bathing costume, white shoes and stockings, and gold armlets, at the Wentworth Oval last night. "Them's the goals, silly," said an other girl, not quite so big, but similarly attired. 

Last night the Sydney Ladies' Soccer Club, held its first try-out with the ball, and a varied assortment of styles in femininity and fashion turned up with enthusiasm. After half an hour on the field they learned to kick the ball in something like the way that it should be kicked— a few stubbed toes soon taught the lesson. There were tall and hefty girls, short und wiry girls, and girls betwixt and, between. Mostly they were clad in bathing costumes, and as it was rather a chilly night the new footballers would have been glad to play even chasings in order to keep warm. A few girls wore shorts and shirts, and one affected a smart black bow-tie at the collar of her silk shirt. A few Woollen jumpers were worn on top of bloomers, and handkerchiefs or bathing cups kept troublesome tresses within bounds. The railings became wardrobes, and here and there a coat or a mackintosh or a fur coat was hooked on top of the fence. 


It would seem that girls nowadays are not possessed of good stout shoes, for the Soccer ladies wore slightly light slices with Louis heels. Sensible ones wore boots or sandshoes, but they were in the minority. Before the game was over heels were left in the mud, and later on in the dressing-room there went up a cry: "Has anybody got a hammer?" The Indispensable man produced the necessary Implement and oornrrt reed nailiig shoes and licels to gether, amid chqers. nd all the while the chewing went on— the jaws moved round with un canny precision, and no matter where you looked you could not escape that hcri .ble move men'. Even the ripple of giggles and delightful feminine shrieks of excitement did not stop the eternal chewing. On the field the girls were eagerness itself and while waiting for sides to be picked some jawed ill over the oval, some turned Catherine wheels, some walked on their hands. The ground was not only damp, It was wet, and the girls who turned somersaults soon looked as If they had been In a Rugby scrum. "When the game commenced in earnest tl e fun commenced also. An occasional thin "Hee-a-o-ugh!" was answered by t burly "Hu-o-o-ugh!' from the other side of the paling fence. Women must be beginning to feel the delightful triumph of doing some, king during which mop can be kept on the wrong side of tho fence. THE INDISPENSABLE HAIRPIN Just as the game was starting one of the backs wanted a hairpin, and the centre-forward offered to run to the dressing room, but an 'obliging In side hg.lf came to the rescue. Then the whistle blow, and the ball was off. It was chased across the field and back again, to the accompaniment of laughter and screams, with a few go'od kicks to balance things. In a critical moment' there was a yell, "Where's the back?" bqt. the 'back was chasing up somewhere In the rear. Then the game concentrated round one goal post, and there were plaintive walls from the darkness at the other end of tho field, "Eh, aren't we playing too? We're getting cold." More spills and kicks, and the ball' came back again to a goal. | GOSSIP- OH There- wero cheers and an Interlude for gossip, or the adjustment of shoe laces and the rubbing of sore places. Then a lull came — the chatter stopped, but the chewing continued — and a voice roared, "What's wrong? Kam-buk wanted?"' That was enough. The game started again with renewed vigor and increased Blcill. A second goal was scored by the samo side, and the opponents' zeal wus challenged. "Bull In the centre!" cried one of the Instructors again, and the girls took their places for the last game.- Thoy chased and kicked, put out their arms to grab the ball — ("Keep yer arms down!" yelled the referee) — slithered on tho grass, lost the handkerchiefs off their hair, shrieked with excitement or set their (faces In grim determination, and by dint of good luck and good play the losing side retrieved some of Its reputation by scoring a goal. "Yah, yer needn't be so skittish. We got two, so's "alright!" cried a mem ber of the winning team, as everybody plcked,up their belongings, collected rings and bangles and ear-rings fron\ tho pockets of an obliging man, and returned to the dreBsing-room. The sounds of massage, slapped flesh, and shower baths were mingled with the hummed tune of "By Jingo, Oh, by Gee!" as two girls — still. In bathing costume and bare feet — essayed a one-stop. When Miss Alexander (tho pre sident) arrived she asked the girls If the" wero enthusiastic enough to como along to practice next Tuesday. "Too right, we will!" was the ringing chorus. And after the first night's practice the Soccer players shaped so well that some good games should be seen in tho near future. If enthusiasm helps any, tho Sydney Soccer .Ladles' Cldb will certainly mako good. At tho ond of play last night a meet ing was held, and Miss Beth Keogh was elected secretary In place of Miss Flnl-gan. Miss M. Keogh was elected to tho management committee.

Telegraph (Brisbane), Thursday 7 July 1921, page 4




A Soccer football club for girls has been formed at Paddington. It is named the Latrobe Ladies Football Club. It has already 14 playing members, and practice is in full awing. A lady connected with the club writes to Mr. William Betts, the well known physical culture instructor, who is convening a meeting to be held in the Brisbane Gymnasium on Friday evening, at 7.30 o'clock, as follows: "In to-night's (Monday) 'Telegraph,' I saw where the first definite move in the direction of forming women's football clubs was being made. I am pleased to state that we formed a ladies' Soccer football club on Tuesday last. We have 14 playing members already. I am sorry your meeting is to be held on Friday night, as our members are then holding an evening, Still I shall be very pleased to have an interview with you on the matter." 

Toowoomba Chronicle, Friday 8 July 1921, page 7


Table Talk (Melbourne), Thursday 7 July 1921, page 38

The Australian Cricketers in England


"We arrived in England last Friday and were invited to see the Cup Final at Chelsea. Seventy-two thousand people paid for admission, and then they to close the gates, turning thousands away. The "gate" was £13,000. The King and Duke of York were present and went out and shook hands with the players before the game started, although it was raining. After the match was over the King presented the "cup" to the captain of the winning team and a medal to each of the players. It was the first game of soccer I have seen, and although the conditions were very bad owing to the rain, the players struck me as being wonderfully clever. It is really football, as the players are not allowed to handle the ball, and I think it is faster than our Australian game. It was wonderful to see the vast crowd sitting out in the rain, and I didn't think there were as many caps in the world as I saw on Saturday.

Dockerty Cup replay

N&D 1 Melbourne Thistle 0

League I

Albert Park 1 St Kilda 1

Windsor 4 Preston 1 (game abandoned)

League II

Welsh Utd 2 St David's 1

Thistle A 7 Preston A 1