Playing long balls into empty space since 2012.

Friday 27 April 2012

My favourite soccer photo

Probably my favourite soccer photo from Australia. I love the way you can't tell whether the players are coming or going -- a great comment on the perennial state of Australian soccer. That they are in shadow is also appropriate. The glorious sunlight in the distance represents the promised land. But are they walking towards or away from it? I'd love to find the original.

Give me a link to your favourite on-line soccer photo and I'll put it below.


To enter the arena at the Motordrome it is necessary to pass through a subway beneath the racing track. These four players in the Dockerty Cup soccer match on Saturday between St. Kilda and the Melbourne Caledonians were silhouetted against the sky line as they entered the subway.

The Argus, 19 August 1929, page 5


  1. How about every image on the Ozfootball Museum.

    1. Fabulous site. Here's the link to the galleries:
